History of AMTEC – a few past AMTEC members are collaborating to create an inventory of documents and interviewing former members about their experiences, in honour of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the organization in 2023. We are delighted to announce that our AMTEC History paper has been published in TechTrends online. It is available in a view-only version at the following SharedIt link: Celebrating and Preserving Educational Technology History in Canada: the AMTEC History Project
AMTEC – The Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada
AMTEC Mission Statement (1974-2007)
The Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada (AMTEC) was a Pan-Canadian community of educators, media producers, researchers, librarians, and other professional staff who worked to facilitate and improve learning, in all sectors of education, through the appropriate application and integration of educational technology. AMTEC members viewed educational technology policies, practices, and products as tools with which to provide supportive, successful, life-long learning experiences to all students in all learning contexts.
In this regard, AMTEC was committed to researching, developing, nurturing, supporting, evaluating and deploying educational technologies which reflected sound pedagogical theory; which were accessible to all learners and teachers; which promoted innovation in learning and teaching; and which celebrated best teaching / learning practices in all educational environments. AMTEC also maintained an ongoing interest in promoting the professional development of educators in educational technology, particularly through the distribution of research, and in ensuring equitable educational access to intellectual property through the use of technology.

AMTEC Trust Awards
AMTEC Trust Awards were provided through funds and donations generated by members. Awards were available to CNIE member applicants training, working, and creating research, products, and services in the field of Educational Technology. Award winners were celebrated at annual CNIE conferences, are listed on this website, and selected videos are showcased on the CNIE YouTube channel.
The awards included research grants and professional development bursaries of up to $3,000 for university or college faculty, staff or graduate students working in open educational media and technology or developing exemplary open applications of educational media or technology in instruction. Creative Commons licenses allowed the work to be made available to the AMTEC Trust for sharing with CNIE members.
Past Award Recipients
AMTEC Trust Awards
To learn more about the recipient and their research follow the link to a short descriptive video
- Paula Andrea Arancibia Erazo, Université de Sherbrooke, Research Grant.
- Lucas Johnson, Lakehead University, Research Grant.
- Diane Janes, Thompson Rivers University, Research Grant.
- John Cheng, University of British Columbia, Professional Development Bursary.
- Mae Doran, Athabasca University, Research Grant.
- Erica Hargreave, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Student Bursary.
- Helen J. DeWaard, Lakehead University, Professional Development Bursary.
- Geneviève Gauthier, Université d’Ottawa, Bourse de perfectionnement professionnel.
- Erica Hargreave, The University of British Columbia and British Columbia Institute of Technology, Professional Development Bursary.
- Jessica O’Reilly, Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technologies and Athabasca University, Research Grant.
Corinne Breen, Fisheries and Marine Institute, Memorial University of Newfoundland