Past Award Recipients

2024 – CNIE

Excellence and Innovation in the Instructional Design /Excellence et innovation dans la conception pédagogique

Réduire l’écart entre la théorie et la pratique dans la formation en sciences comptables par l’utilisation d’une simulation virtuelle : immersion dans la Microbrasserie McLellan /
Bridging the gap between theory and practice in accounting education through the use of virtual simulation: immersion in the McLellan Microbrewery

  • Cynthia Allaire 
  • Hélène Bergeron
  • Daphné Drouin
  • Émilie Portelance

Journal Editor Award for Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology (CJLT) / La revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie

Collin, S., Lepage, A. & Nebel, L. (2023). Enjeux éthiques et critiques de l’intelligence artificielle en éducation : une revue systématique de la littérature. Ethical and Critical Issues of Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 49(4).

Journal Editor Award for International Journal of E-learning & Distance Education (IJEDE) / La Revue internationale de l’apprentissage en ligne et de l’enseignement à distance

Parry, B.R. (2023). Tomorrow Never Comes, But It [Education] Gives You Hope: Narratives of South African Women Completing Tertiary Education Online While Incarcerated, International Journal of E-learning & Distance Education, 38(2).

2023 – CNIE

Video of 2023 Awards Presentation (4:57)

Excellence and Innovation in the Instructional Design

Higher Education:

  • Excellence: THEO 202 – Introduction to Biblical Studies
    • Éric Bellavance, Knowledge One
    • Atalie Dufour, Knowledge One
    • Caitlin Lazurka, Knowledge One
    • Vanessa McCance, Knowledge One
    • Ping Ng, Knowledge One
    • Jennifer San Martin, Knowledge One
    • Matthieu Guilbault, Knowledge One
  • Merit: Cheminer vers le mieux-être : contrer l’épuisement professionnel par la résilience
    • Dominique Cardinal
    • Nicole Lavoie
    • Caroline Borris
    • Patricia Côté-Giroux
    • Adrienne Annan
    • Elizabeth Campbell Brown
    • Gisèle Richard
    • Madelayne DeGrace
    • Karine Poghosyan
    • Marc Bélanger
    • David Lalonde
    • Marc Villeneuve
    • Jeanette Caron
    • Nancy Vézina
    • Hubert Lalande

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology

K-12 (Not awarded)

Non-Formal Learning Environments (Not awarded)

Learner Services (Not awarded)

Partnership or Collaboration (Not awarded)

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in Higher Education

  • Excellence: Japanese Pronunciation Training Program: Sharing Open Resources of Media-Rich Tutorials and Interactive Practices through a LMS
    • Bosung Kim, The University of British Columbia
    • Misuzu Kazama, The University of British Columbia

Journal Editor Award for Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology (CJLT) / La revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie

Romero, M., & Barma, S. (2022). Analyzing an interactive problem-solving task through the lens of double stimulation. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 48(1).

Journal Editor Award for International Journal of E-learning & Distance Education (IJEDE) / La Revue internationale de l’apprentissage en ligne et de l’enseignement à distance

Ara, F., & Vijaysimha, I. (2022). Online Learning in Low-tech environments–What works, what doesn’t? A study based on Indian public schools. International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education/Revue internationale du e-learning et la formation à distance, 37(2).

2022 – CNIE

Video of 2022 Awards Presentation (5:27)

Excellence and Innovation in the Instructional Design

Higher Education:

  • Excellence: Educational Communication (EDUC 270)
    • Dr. Saul Carliner, Concordia University
    • Vanessa McCance, Concordia University
    • Mathieu Guilbault, Concordia University
  • Merit: Designing Information for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the TCLOC Programme of the Université de Strasbourg
    • Ray Gallon, The Transformation Society
  • Merit: Iterative Course Design for Disciplinary Language Literacy and Community Building
    • Jennifer Walsh Marr, UBC

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology

Higher Education (Not awarded)

K-12 (Not awarded)

Non-Formal Learning Environments (Not awarded)

Learner Services (Not awarded)

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in a Partnership or Collaboration

  • Excellence: Virtual Cultural Exchange: Exploring the Target Culture through Remote Collaboration with a Partner University
    • Marina Grineva, Memorial University of Newfoundland
    • Natalia Voskresenskaia, Lobachevsky State University
  • Merit: A Podcasting Guide for Educators
    • Erica Hargreave, StoryToGo & BCIT
    • Kendall Johnson, Wolf Creek Public Schools
    • Graham Herrick, SCIEX
    • Deisy Castillo, Association de la Construction du Québec
    • Chris Howey, Teacher Abroad
    • Jessica Cammaert Raval, College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants | Collège des consultants en immigration et en citoyenneté
  • Merit: Tackling Bias with Conversation-starter Videos
    • GEVC Inc.
    • CAPSA

AMTEC Trust Awards

  • Paula Andrea Arancibia Erazo, Université de Sherbrooke, Research Grant
  • Lucas Johnson, Lakehead University, Research Grant
  • Diane Janes, Thompson Rivers University, Research Grant

Journal Editor Award for Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology (CJLT) / La revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie

Bradshaw, K., Lock, J., & Parchoma, G.(2021). Boundary crossing between formal and informal learning opportunities: A pathway for advancing e-learning sustainability. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 46(3).

Journal Editor Award for International Journal of E-learning & Distance Education (IJEDE) / La Revue internationale de l’apprentissage en ligne et de l’enseignement à distance

(Not awarded)

2021 – CNIE

Video of 2021 Awards Presentation (6:11)

Excellence and Innovation in the Instructional Design

Higher Education:

Excellence: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Nursing Educational Toolkit: Using Virtual Simulation Games to Promote Cultural Humility in Healthcare Encounters with the LGBTQI2S Community

  • Dr. Marian Luctkar-Flude, Queen’s University
  • Benjamin Carroll, Queen’s University
  • Dr. Jane Tyerman, University of Ottawa
  • Dr. Erin Ziegler, Ryerson University
  • Chris Shortall, Memorial University

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology

Higher Education:

  • Excellence: The UBC Health Informatics Game
    • Leanne M. Currie, UBC School of Nursing
    • Victoria Wood, UBC Health
    • Joseph Anthony, Faculty of Medicine, UBC
    • John Cheng, Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology, UBC
    • Health Informatics Working Group, UBC

K-12 (Not awarded)

Non-Formal Learning Environments (Not awarded)

Learner Services (Not awarded)

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in a Partnership or Collaboration

  • Excellence: Written word in a world of global challenges (Spanish Language Resource)
    • Michael Dabrowski, Athabasca University
    • Athabasca University Spanish Language Program Students
  • Merit: Form and Function(s): Sustainable Design meets Computational Thinking
    • Dr. Constance Blomgren, Athabasca University
    • Dr. James Greenwood-Lee, Athabasca University
    • Dr. Stella George, Athabasca University
    • Trevor Butler, Athabasca University
    • Liliana Tang, Athabasca University
    • Brad Skeet, Athabasca University
    • Dr. Byron Chu, Callysto
    • Karen Larter, Teacher consultant
    • With special thanks to Pulp Studios (Kelly Mellings and Corey Lansdell)
  • Merit: A Problem-Based, Multimedia Case Study for Learning about Forest Soils in South Africa
    • Dr. Maja Krzic, University of British Columbia
    • Michael Sider, University of British Columbia
    • Saeed Dyanatkar, University of British Columbia
    • Chris Crowley, University of British Columbia
    • Khalil Walji, The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Rome, Italy
    • Professor Ben Du Toit, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

AMTEC Trust Awards

  • John Cheng, University of British Columbia, Professional Development Bursary
  • Mae Doran, Athabasca University, Research Grant
  • Erica Hargreave, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Student Bursary

Journal Editor Award for Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology (CJLT) / La revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie

VanLeeuwen, C. A., Veletsianos, G., Belikov, O., & Johnson, N. (2020). Institutional perspectives on faculty development for digital education in Canada. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 46(2).

Journal Editor Award for International Journal of E-learning & Distance Education (IJEDE) / La Revue internationale de l’apprentissage en ligne et de l’enseignement à distance

Walton, P.D., Byrne, R., Clark, N., Pidgeon, M., Arnouse, M., & Hamilton, K. (2020). Online Indigenous University Student Supports, Barriers, and Learning Preferences, International Journal of E-Learning and Distance Education, 35(2).

2020 – CNIE

Video of 2020 awards presentation

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology

Higher Education:


Non-Formal Learning Environments

Learner Services

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in a Partnership or Collaboration

Excellence and Innovation in Instructional Design


  • Helen J. DeWaard, Lakehead University, Professional Development Bursary. Click here to access the video.
  • Geneviève Gauthier, Université d’Ottawa, Bourse de perfectionnement professionnel. Click here to access the video.
  • Erica Hargreave, The University of British Columbia and British Columbia Institute of Technology, Professional Development Bursary. Click here to access the video.
  • Jessica O’Reilly, Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technologies and Athabasca University, Research Grant. Click here to access the video.

Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology (CJLT) / La revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie

– no award presented.

International Journal of E-learning & Distance Education (IJEDE) / La Revue internationale de l’apprentissage en ligne et de l’enseignement à distance

– no award presented

2019 – CNIE

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology

Higher Education:

  • Excellence: Engaging Students in a Trades Lab with QR Codes and Interactive Video. Cambrian College. Click here to access the video.
  • Merit: Demystifying Complex, Foundational Pharmacokinetic/Dynamic Concepts Using Video Animations and Analogies in a Doctor of Pharmacy for Working Professionals Online Program. Memorial University. Click here to access the infographic.


  • Excellence: Using the Open Learning Design Intervention (OLDI) to Expand Learning Beyond High School Classroom Walls. University of Calgary and Rocky View Schools. Click here to access the video.

Non-Formal Learning Environments – not awarded

Learner Services – not awarded

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in a Partnership or Collaboration

  • Excellence: Integrity Matters: Foundations for Academic Success. Renison University College (Affiliate of the University of Waterloo); Trinity Western University; eCampus Ontario.

Excellence and Innovation in Instructional Design

  • Excellence: Simulated Home Visits. Cambrian College. Click here to access the video.
  • Merit: Developing Entrepreneurial Skills – Learning by Doing. Memorial University. Click here to access the infographic.
  • Merit: Cheminer vers la réussite de mon stage. Le Consortium national de formation en santé (CNFS) et L’Université d’Ottawa, SAEA-TLSS. Click here to access the infographic.

Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology (CJLT) / La revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie

Les natifs du numérique aux études: enjeu et pratiques | The Digital Natives in Education: Issues and Practices Vol. 44(1)

Normand Roy, Alexandre Gareau, and|et Bruno Poellhuber

International Journal of E-learning & Distance Education (IJEDE) / La Revue internationale de l’apprentissage en ligne et de l’enseignement à distance

The Effective Affect: A Scoping Review of Social Presence Vol. 33 (2)

Dr. David Mykota
The recognition of non-formal education in higher education: Where are we now, and are we learning from experience? Vol. 33 (1)

Dr. Judy Harris & Dr. Christine Wihak

2018 – CNIE

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology

Higher Education:

  • Excellence:   HIST 2610: USA History since 1865.  Memorial University.
  • Merit:  Laurentian University Course Syllabus Generator.  Laurentian University

Non-Formal Learning Environments – not awarded

K-12 – not awarded

Learner Services – not awarded

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in a Partnership or Collaboration

  • Taking Making into Classrooms.  Open School BC, BC Ministry of Education; Industry Training Authority; Royal Roads University; University of British Columbia – Okanagan.

Excellence and Innovation in Instructional Design

  • Excellence: ENGL 3991: Voices of Protest and Rebellion in Contemporary American Literature.  Thompson Rivers University.
  • Merit: MEDUC 3026 – Math Content Review Course for Pre-service Teachers.  Laurentian University

Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology (CJLT) / La revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie

Guitars and Makerspace: Examining the Experience of First Nations Students / Guitares et laboratoires ouverts: examen de l’expérience d’élèves de Premières Nations Vol. 43(2)
Jay R Wilson and/et Marc Gobeil

International Journal of E-learning & Distance Education (IJEDE) / La Revue internationale de l’apprentissage en ligne et de l’enseignement à distance

Cultural Communication Characteristics and Student Connectedness in an Online Environment: Perceptions and Preferences of Online Graduate Students Vol. 32(2)
Tim Green, Malia Hoffman, Loretta Donovan, and/et Nawang Phuntsog

2017 – CNIE

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology

Higher Education:

  • Excellence:   21st Century Cognitive Apprenticeship: An interactive digital textbook to teach dentistry students from classroom to clinic.  University of Alberta.
  • Merit:  Enterprise Classroom Control System Architecture.  University of New Brunswick
  • Merit: Keeping Fitness and Wellness Current through Social Media.  Memorial University

Non-Formal Learning Environments

  • Excellence: Ryerson’s Law Practice Program: partnering to creatively and intentionally leverage conventional tech for a changing time.  Ryerson University

K-12 – not awarded

Learner Services – not awarded

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in a Partnership or Collaboration

not awarded

Excellence and Innovation in Instructional Design

  • Excellence: Active Case Based Learning in Oral Pathology: the confluence of multiple teaching and learning techniques.  University of Alberta.
  • Merit: Music 1101 – Introduction to Music Theory 1; Laurentian University

Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology (CJLT) / La revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie

Teaching Competencies for the Online Environment / Enseigner les compétences pour l’environnement en ligne Vol. 42(3)
Heather Marie Farmer and Jennifer Ramsdale

International Journal of E-learning & Distance Education (IJEDE) / La Revue internationale de l’apprentissage en ligne et de l’enseignement à distance

Strengthening Deeper Learning through Virtual Teams in E-learning: A Synthesis of Determinants and Best Practices Vol. 32(2)
Dr. Joyline Makani, Dr. Martine Durier-Copp, Dr. Deborah Kiceniuk, and Dr. Alieda Blandford

2016 – CNIE

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in Instructional Design/Teaching and Learning

  • Excellence: StrongStart BC: Exploring the Reflecting on Quality Tool, OpenSchool BC, Government of British Columbia
  • Merit: CINT905 Online – Conflict Resolution in Community Services, Ryerson University
  • Merit: English 2160 – North American Aboriginal Literature, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in a Formal or Non-Formal Educational Program

  • Excellence: UBC Flexible Learning Initiative: School of Nursing Undergraduate Course Transformation, University of British Columbia

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in Educational Practices/Collaboration

  • Excellence: International Collaborative Online Course Development Project on Sustainable Forestry Management, University of British Columbia
  • Merit: Mental Health Interaction and De-escalation Training for Police and Security Officers,, Yardstick & University of Alberta

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in the K-12 Classroom

  • Bamboo Shoots: Chinese Canadian Legacies in BC, OpenSchool BC, Government of British Columbia

Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology (CJLT) / La revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie

Learning Designs using Flipped Classroom Instruction | Conception d’apprentissage à l’aide de l’instruction en classe inversée, Vol. 41(2) Amber Danielle Mazur, Barbara Brown, Michele Jacobsen
Outils numériques nomades : les effets sur l’attention des étudiants, Vol. 41(3) Nicolas Guichon, Salifou Koné

International Journal of E-learning & Distance Education (IJEDE) / La Revue internationale de l’apprentissage en ligne et de l’enseignement à distance

Isolation and Connection: The Experience of Distance Education, Vol. (30)2 Penelope Rush

2015 – CNIE

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in Instructional Design/Teaching and Learning

Excellence: Legal Memos made Easy Centre for e-Learning and the Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa

Excellence: Oceans 1000: Exploration of World Ocean: Exploring the Ocean Using Virtual Expeditions: A Blended Flipped-Classroom Approach Using Prezi as an Exploratory Tool Faculty of Science and Distance Education, Learning and Teaching Support, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Merit: Cours hybride CVG2540 – Mécanique des matériaux Le Centre du cyber-@pprentissage et Le Département de génie civil, Université d’Ottawa

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in a Formal or Non-Formal Educational Program

Excellence: NatureWatch /AttentionNature Department of Geography, University of Ottawa; The Centre for e-Learning, Teaching and Learning Support Service (TLSS), University of Ottawa; Department of Geography & Environmental Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University; David Suzuki Foundation; and Nature Canada

Merit: Français 2300 « Phonétique du français » / French 2300 “French Phonetics Department of French and Spanish; Department of Linguistics; and Distance Education, Learning and Teaching Support, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in Educational Practices/Collaboration

Excellence: Supporting Students with Disabilities Online Modules for PSE Faculty and Instructors Mount Allison University; New Brunswick Community College; New Brunswick College of Craft and Design; St. Thomas University; The University of New Brunswick, Fredericton; and The University of New Brunswick, St. John

Merit: FOODSAFE Level 1 Open School BC – Ministry of Education; Queen’s Printer; BC FOODSAFE Secretariat; and Food Protection Services, BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC)

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in the K-12 Classroom

Excellence: Online Mathematical Courseware – Secondary School Courseware Project Maplesoft; The Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing, University of Waterloo; and The Centre for Extended Learning, University of Waterloo

Excellence: Inclusion Outreach e-Mentoring Program ; Open School BC – Ministry of Education and Inclusion Outreach

Graduate Student Award

Drinking from a fire hose: success strategies and coping mechanism for learning through synchronous microblogging on TWITTER Laurie Amiruddin, Athabasca University

AMTEC Trust Award

Corinne Breen, Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland

Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology (CJLT) / La revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie

What is Educational Technology? An Inquiry into the Meaning, Use, and Reciprocity of Technology / Qu’est-ce que la technologie pédagogique ? Un examen de la signification, de l’utilisation et de la réciprocité de la technologie, Vol. (40)3 Arun Lakhana

International Journal of E-learning & Distance Education (IJEDE) / La Revue internationale de l’apprentissage en ligne et de l’enseignement à distance

Pre-service teachers’ technological pedagogical knowledge: A continuum of views on effective technology integration / Connaissances technologiques et pédagogiques des enseignants en formation initiale: Un continuum de points de vue sur l’intégration efficace de la technologie, Vol. 29(2) Kathryn Lee, Shaunna Smith and Beth Bos

2014 – CNIE

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in Educational Practices/Collaboration

English: Dialect Atlas of Newfoundland and Labrador, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Award of Merit: Introduction to Reception Centres, Justice Institute of British Columbia and Emergency Management BC
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in Instructional Design/Teaching and Learning

English: Gamification of Learning in a 1st Year University Course, Mount Royal University
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in a Formal or Non-Formal Educational Program

English: SOILx – A Location-based Teaching and Learning Tool for Soil Science, University of British Columbia
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in the K-12 Classroom

English: No award given.
French: No award given.
Award of Merit: Videos of Visual Artists in Greater Sudbury, Laurentian University, Ontario Ministry of Education, KNAER, and University of Toronto

2013 – CNIE

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in Educational Practices/Collaboration

English: Teaching with Technology Community, College of the North Atlantic and Memorial University of Newfoundland
Award of Merit: Humber College: Live Virtual Online Proctoring, Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in Instructional Design/Teaching and Learning

English: CR2170 Trends in Web Development, College of the North Atlantic
French: L’apprentissage de la nomenclature en chimie facilité par un nouvel outil interactif en ligne, Université d’Ottawa
Award of Merit: FINA 210 – Introduction to Real Estate, eConcordia and Professor Jay Mannadiar
Award of Merit: Chemistry 1810: Elements of Chemistry, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in a Formal or Non-Formal Educational Program

English: No award given.
French: Découvrez ou redécouvrez Visez juste en français, Université d’Ottawa
Award of Merit: Fishing Vessel Stability Simulator, Canadian Council of Professional Fish Harvesters and Memorial University of Newfoundland

Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in the K-12 Classroom

English: Reading Assessment, Grades Primary-3, NS Department of Education
English: Education 6107: Arts Education: Creativity in the Classroom, Memorial University of Newfoundland
French: No award given.

2012 – CNIE

Excellence and Innovation in Partnership/Collaboration

English: STOPMOStudio: Stop Motion Animation Workshops, National Film Board of Canada and Memorial University of Newfoundland
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Student Services

English: CONNECT Program, Memorial University of Newfoundland
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Instructional Design

English: Interactive Language Learning (Japanese 100 & 101), University of British Columbia
Award of Merit: Education 6705: Nature and Development of School Counselling Services, Memorial University of Newfoundland
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Overall Use of Technology for Learning and Teaching

English: International Experience Module, Memorial University of Newfoundland
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Video

English: From C to C: Chinese Canadian Stories of Migration, Simon Fraser University, SUCCESS, Guangdong TV (China), Wuyi University (China)
Award of Merit: Futurs profs (phase 1), Université de Montréal, Centre collégial de développement de matériel didactique
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Audio

English: No award given.
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Graphic or Web Design

English: Investigating Forensics, Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Simon Fraser University, The Critical Thinking Consortium
Award of Merit: Virtual Soil Science Learning Resources, University of British Columbia
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Animation

English: No award given.
French: No award given.

2011 – CNIE

Excellence and Innovation in Partnership/Collaboration

English: Collaborative Role-Play, Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science (SIAST), Northern Lakes College, and the Humber Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning
Award of Merit: The Miawpukek First Nations Heritage Project, Memorial University of Newfoundland and Miawpukek Mi’kamawey Mawi’omi Council of Conne River Micmacs
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Student Services

English: Memorial@Home e-Convocation, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Award of Merit: Analyse des besoins technologiques des apprenants à distance à la Télé-université, Télé-université
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Instructional Design

English: Bridging the “Learning Gap” between High School and University Music Students’ Theory Base Knowledge Using Interactive Learning Objects and Sound, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Award of Merit: Photography (504-FPH-03-65), Cégep@distance
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Overall Use of Technology for Learning and Teaching

English: ExPod Virtual Simulation Tool, Justice Institute of British Columbia
Award of Merit: ABRACADABRA: A Balanced Reading Approach for Canadians Designed to Achieve Best Results for All, Concordia University
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Video

English: High Park Tour with Sam Benvie, Ryerson University
Award of Merit: Taking Flight: Enhancing Engineering and Science Awareness, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Award of Merit: The Paragraph: A video Tutorial, Athabasca University
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Audio

English: No award given.
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Graphic Design

English: No award given.
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Web Design

English: Virtual Soil Science Learning Resources, University of British Columbia
Award of Merit: Highrise – Out my window, National Film Board of Canada
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Animation

English: The Miawpukek First Nations Heritage Project, Memorial University of Newfoundland and Miawpukek Mi’kamawey Mawi’omi Council of Conne River Micmacs
Award of Merit: Cupids Project: Digital Storytelling, using animation to tell historical events in the Town of Cupids, Newfoundland and Labrador, Memorial University of Newfoundland
French: No award given.

2010 – CNIE

Excellence and Innovation in Instructional Design

English: ANTH202-Introduction to Culture, eConcordia Inc.
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Student Services

English: Web based Job Portal for Student Internship Placements, Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Use of Technology for Learning and Teaching

English: ARTH272 ~ From Realism to Abstraction in Canadian Art, eConcordia Inc.
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Partnership/Collaboration

English: A North American First: Building a Province-wide Learning Community, Memorial University of Newfoundland
French: Partenariat Français en ligne pour immigrants au Québec, Cégep @ distance

Award for Excellence and Innovation in Video

EnglishRyan Clark Case Study – RHAB 1001, NorQuest College (tie)
NAIT Aboriginal Awareness Course, NAIT (tie)
Assistive Technology: Supporting Student Success, NS Department of EducationReel Student Productions, Grosvenor WentworthTying Your Own Shoes, National Film Board
FrenchNo award given.No award given.No award given.No award given.

Award for Excellence and Innovation in Audio

English: No award given.
French: No award given.

Award for Excellence and Innovation in Graphic Design

English: No award given.
French: No award given.

Award for Excellence and Innovation in Web Design

EnglishNo award given.Waterlife Interactive website, National Film BoardNo award given.No award given.
FrenchNo award given.No award given.No award given.No award given.

Award for Excellence and Innovation in Animation

EnglishUser Experience Sketch Animation, Ryerson UniversityNo award given.No award given.No award given.
FrenchNo award given.No award given.No award given.No award given.

2009 – CNIE

Excellence and Innovation in Instructional Design

English: Nursing 291-Health and Healing2, Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science & Technology
French: Formation en ligne pour la francisation des personnes immigrantes adultes, Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles du Québec, Cégep@distance

Excellence and Innovation in Student Services

English: The online learner’s concierge, Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Use of Technology for Learning and Teaching

English: Engineering 4061: Marine production management, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Award of Merit: NAIT virtual phoroptor, Northern Alberta Institute for Technology
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Partnership/Collaboration

English: Distance Learning Program for Nursing, Ryerson University
French: No award given.

Media Festival – Interactive – Government/Commercial

English: “Will’s World”, Open School BC
English: (Award of Merit) “Being Victorian”, Open School, BC
French: No award given.

2008 – CNIE

Excellence and Innovation in Instructional Design

English: PocketSnips Project, Laurentian University, Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Cambrian College and Sudbury Regional Hospital
English: (Honourable Mention) Caring Together in the Last Hours of Life, University of Ottawa
French: « Programme québécois de formation à la pandémie d’influenza », TÉLUQ/UQÀM
French: (Honourable Mention) « Gestion des comportements associés à la démence », Université d’Ottawa

Excellence and Innovation in Student Services

English: Memorial @ Home: A Student Services Mantra, Memorial University of Newfoundland
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Use of Learning Technology

English: Music Theory, Memorial University of Newfoundland
English: (Honourable Mention) “Innovations in Second Language Delivery”, Athabasca University
French: « ENJEUX-S : Environnement multimédia évolué de JEUX éducatif et de simulations en ligne », SAVIE, Simon Fraser University, Télé-université

Excellence and Innovation in Partnership/Collaboration

English: No award given.
French: No award given.

Media Festival – Post-Secondary

English: No award given.
English: (Award of Merit) “An Introduction to Stereoscopic and Compound Microscopes”, Athabasca University
French: No award given.

Media Festival – Interactive – Government/Commercial

English: “Science 4: Sound and Light”, Open School BC
English: (Award of Merit) “BC First Nations 12: Treaty Simulation”, Open School, BC
French: No award given.

2007 – CADE

Excellence and Innovation in Instructional Design

English: Psychology 2150: Introduction to Forensic Psychology, Memorial University of Newfoundland
French: L’enseignement des pratiques interprofessionnelles en milieu de travail ; Atelier Niveau II – Concevoir un plan d’action, Université d’Ottawa

Excellence and Innovation in Partnership/Collaboration

English: Virtual Visit: Step Inside the Alberta Legislature, Learning Technologies Branch, Alberta Education and the Office of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta
French: Développement du Leadership des directeurs du Liban, Collège Boréal et Université de Calgary

Excellence and Innovation in Student Services

English: University of Victoria Distance Education Online Help Desk Service Model, University of Victoria
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Use of Learning Technology

English: Integrated eBusiness Student Wiki, Red River College
French: No award given.

2006 – CADE

Excellence and Innovation in Instructional Design

English: NURS246 Surgical Equipment, Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology
French: Théories de l’apprentissage et éducation des adultes (EDU1040), Télé-université

Excellence and Innovation in Partnership/Collaboration

English: Contact North/Contact Nord, Northern Ontario’s Distance Education & Training Network, Contact North and Northern College of Applied Arts and Technology
French: No award given.

Excellence in Research

English: No award given.
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Student Services

English: Writing and Math Online, Campus Manitoba and Brandon University
French: No award given.

Excellence in Graduate Research

English: Learning Through Online Discussion, Liam Rourke (Nanyang Technological University)
French: No award given.

2005 – CADE

Excellence and Innovation in Instructional Design

English: Marketing Yourself – Online Credit Course, Inc.
French: Le cours à distance : l’observation en philosophie pour les enfants (PHI-22693), Université Laval

Excellence and Innovation in Partnership/Collaboration

English: Primary Education Support Program: Jamaica Diploma for Primary Principals, Mount Saint Vincent University
French: No award given.

Excellence in Research

English: Student Role Adjustment in On-line Communities of Inquiry, Athabasca University
French: No award given.

Excellence and Innovation in Student Services

English: Building Student Relationships, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
French: Accueil et directives – Le guide de votre réussite, Cégep@distance

Excellence in Graduate Research

English: The Experiences of Instructional Designers of Web-Based Learning at the Post-Secondary Level, Tracey Powell (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
French: Les fonctions du groupe dans les cours postsecondaires à distance selon des adultes franco-ontariens, Denise Paquette-Frenette (Brock University)

2004 – CADE

Excellence and Innovation in Instructional Design

English: NURS114 Interpersonal Relationships, Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology
French: Anglais de base niveai 1, Cégep@distance

Excellence and Innovation in Partnership/Collaboration

English:, Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technologies
French: L’Art de la supervision, Centre du cyber-@pprentissage et Consortium national de formation en santé – volet Université d’Ottawa

Excellence and Innovation in Student Services

English: Envision the Possibilities, Laurentian University
French: No award given.

Excellence in Research

English: How Does Distance Education Compare to Classroom Instruction? A Meta-Analysis of the Empirical Literature, Concordia University
French: No award given.

Excellence in Graduate Research

English: A Study in Holistic Thinking, Kirk Morrison (University of Saskatchewan)
French: No award given.

2003 – CADE

Excellence in Instructional Design

English: Fire Detection and Alarm Systems (Theory) ELT 82 Fire Detector and Alarm Systems (Lab) ELT 83, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
French: Développement de l’enfant et de l’adolescent, Cegep@distance

Excellence in Graduate Research

English: No award given.
French: Représentations de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage par des professeurs utilisant des médias interactifs à distance, Julie Boissoneault (Université Laurentienne)

Excellence in Research

English: No award given.
French: No award given.

Excellence in International Initiatives

English: “Writing Effectively for UNHCR” Course, The Commonwealth of Learning
French: No award given.

Excellence in Partnership

English: Aboriginal Resource Technician Project, Sault College
French: L’initative CESA : Communauté électronique au service des apprentissages, Université de Moncton

2002 – CADE

Excellence in Learner-Centered IT

English: International Electrical Testing Assocation (NETA), Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
French: No award given.

Excellence in Instructional Design

English: Alive Online, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
French: No award given.

Excellence in Research

English: No award given.
French: No award given.

Excellence in International Initiatives

English: No award given.
French: Webmestre à distance (international), Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick

Excellence in Partnership

English: Alberta Online Consortium, Alberta Online Consortium
French: No award given.

2000 – CADE

Excellence in Learner-Centered IT

English: The Florida High School, The Florida High School
French: Un cours de 2e cycle universitaire sur le design pédagogique d’environnements d’apprentissage informatisés, diffusé sur Internet, Télé-université

Excellence in Instructional Design

English: MB 535 Sustainability, Royal Roads University
French: Introduction à la recherche en éducation, Université du Québec à Hull

Excellence in Research

English: Changes in the demographics and motivations of university distance education students, 1983 to 2000, University of Manitoba
French: Formation professionnelle sur l’inforoute, Télé-université

Excellence in International Initiatives

English: University of New Brunswick/Royal Bank of Trinidad and Tobago Teacher Education Project, University of New Brunswick and TeleEducation NB
French: No award given.

Excellence in Partnership

English: Occupational Therapists Assistants/Physiotherapists Assistants Distributed Learning Programme, IDON EAST Corpoation
French: Webmestre à distance, Collège universitaire du Nouveau-Brunswick

1998 – CADE

Excellence in Student Support Services

English: Connect, Greater Vancouver Distance Education School
French: Passe le mot…la formation à distance, c’est pratique ! Document pour faciliter l’introduction à la formation à distance, à l’intention de la clientèle du palier postsecondaire, Collège Boréal

Excellence in Instructional Design

English: STAPLE (Supplemental Training for Practitioners in Literacy Education) Vol. 1, Literacy Services of Canada Ltd.
French: Cours sur l’Internet « Introduction à la psychologie », Centre collégial de formation à distance

Excellence in Research

English: Evaluation of the University Studies Project, University of Alberta
French: No award given.

Excellence in International Iniatives

English: No award given.
French: No award given.

Excellence in Partnership

English: How a Canadian Distance Education Institution Came to the Rescue of Canada’s Oldest Public Radio Station, Athabasca University and Radio Station CKUA
French: D.E.S.S. en finance d’entreprise (HEC-Téluq), Télé-université et l’École des hautes études commerciales

1996 – CADE

Excellence in Student Support Services

English: Continuing Care Program, St. Francis Xavier University
French: No award given.

Excellence in Instructional Design

English: Certificate in Continuing Care, St. Francis Xavier University
French: Application de notions de marketing : le Marketing et la PME (410-822-91), Centre collégial de formation à distance
ET Outils informatique sur Windows (INF1806), Télé-université

Excellence in Research

English: No award given.
French: Conception de l’apprentissage chez des apprenants adultes que suivent une maîtrise à distance au Canada, Université de Montréal

Excellence in International Initiatives

English: The Pacific Islands Community Nutrition Training Project, Simon Fraser University
French: No award given.

Excellence in Partnership

English: Perinatal Education Partnership Project: A Model for Collaboration Between Academic and Practice, Dalhousie University
French: No award given.

1994 – CADE

Programs or projects which sustain students

English: Learning Circles in B.C., Open Learning Agency
French: No award given.

Course design

English: SL SC 24 – Soil conservation and Land Quality, University of Saskatchewan
French: La carte de monde, Centre collégial de formation à distance

Research, evaluation and needs assessment

English: No award given.
French: Cours circuit, Centre collégial de formation à distance

1992 – CADE

Effective Cooperative Initiatives/Ventures

Distance Education Program for Literacy Providers, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador